The project "Meet our Neighbours 2" of the Centre for Educational Initiatives brings together young people from 6 Balkan countries in Epirus

In magical Epirus, against the backdrop of the historic event in which the Olympic flame sets off for Paris, 30 young people and youth workers from six Balkan countries demonstrate the power of cultural proximity and common customs to overcome the past.
The event is part of a training under the Centre for Educational Initiatives' project "Meet Our Neighbours 2", funded by the Erasmus Plus Youth programme, aimed at improving intercultural interactions and overcoming stereotypes that still weigh over the Balkans. From the very first day, participants took part in a number of informal exercises developed specifically for the project and shaped in 2 handbooks that can be downloaded from the project website. Among them, role plays, discussions and workshops stand out, helping youth workers to develop new approaches and methods for working with young people.
All participants in the event stress that the aim of the project is not only to learn new skills, but also to prove that common culture, traditions and ways of life can serve as a bridge between people, overcoming deep-rooted prejudices and negative stereotypes of the past.
This event coincided with the symbolic moment of the Olympic Flame being carried to Paris, which added even more meaning and inspiration for the participants. They are called upon to spread the messages and skills learned during the training and become ambassadors of change in their communities.
With initiatives like this, the Balkans are gradually transforming their image from a region marked by conflict and division to a space of cooperation, understanding and common aspirations for a better future.