EVANDE project received high evaluation by experts and volunteers

CEI join two events with stakeholders and potential users of the project outcomes - the online platform and its products. The first one was the organized meeting of the Heads of the voluntary formations on April 21, 2016 by the "National Association of Volunteers in Bulgaria" It was attended by the Head of the Chief Directorate Fire Safety and Civil Protection - Chief Commissar Mr. Nikolov, as well as the heads of almost all volunteer formations in Bulgaria involved in a disaster response. (http://navrb.bg/seminardf/) The second event was the participation of two of our experts, Yassen Tsvetkov and Bilyana Mihaylova in the program of the training workshop organized for volunteers in the REGIONAL CENTER of NATO FOR HUMANITARIAN AID AND CIVIL PROTECTION - Montana held from 26 to 28 April 2016.
Both events gave us a highly accurate feedback on the EVANDE project needs.
The possibility of online training was assessed very high from all volunteers. The general recommendation was made in regards to develop and pledged more tools for Open Distance Learning (Open distance learning) in the courses. The main arguments in this direction were that the volunteers in their daily lives have different ownership and it is therefore more difficult to be trained through blended learning methodology, but they have a strong personal motivation to raise their awareness that makes ODL methods more appropriate.
This position was shared and from the instructors also. From their point of view the material in the booklets are absolutely sufficient to support an initial theoretical training of volunteers and expressed their support for the integration of an online platform in the training of volunteers. They see her place in the learning process as an opportunity to be unloaded the Training center’s programs from its theoretical part and time savings to be directed towards more practical training.